Redefining Feminism
Art Direction: Lauren Fundora
Design: Heather Hardison
Animation: Morgan Pelligrino
This page contains several gifs. Thanks for your patience while they load.
Intro Title Sequence:
The Intro Sequence introduces the viewer to the instructor and the look and feel of the graphics package for the class. It serves almost like and animated book cover. For the Redefining Feminism class we went with a collage approach, inspired by Riot Grrrl feminist punk posters and zines. The punk posters have an irreverent attitude and DIY aesthetic that spoke to the revolutionary grassroots organizing the women teaching the class are known for.
Title Sequence Styleframes
Styleframe 3
Lesson Title Variations:
The content of each class is broken down into lessons. These animated lesson titles are at the beginning of each new lesson and introduce the content. There are 4 title variations that are cycled throughout the class.
Lesson Variation 1: Motion Sample
Lesson Variation 2: Frame 1
Lesson Variation 2: Frame 1
Lesson Variation 3: Motion Sample
Lesson Variation 4: Frame 1
Lesson Variation 4: Frame 2
Sub-Lesson Titles:
Each lesson is broken down into sections called sub-lessons. These titles introduce the sub-lesson.
In-Class Graphics:
These animations are within the chapters and act as visual teaching aids for the instructor.